We’re guessing you’re here because you’re into your fitness, right? As any fitness enthusiast knows, getting in a good early session is always a great way to start your day. However, sometimes we’re unable to wake up because our eyes are just not ready to rise.
It could be that you’ve had a restless sleep because of stress, or you had a few alcoholic drinks the night before. Either way, you’re going to need a helping hand to power you through your day so you can stick to your regime and reach your goals.
Enter morning coffee packed with just the right amount of caffeine.
But did you know that coffee can actually be healthy?
Balance Coffee source coffee from the top 5% of coffee farms worldwide, carefully tested for nasties – that you’d rather not find in your cup.

Coffee tested for Mould, Mycotoxins and Pesticides means you’re protected from harmful substances that can contribute to long term health issues.
5 Reasons Why Coffee Is Better Than Pre-Workout
Today we’re summarising the 5 benefits of coffee and why it’s better than pre-workout.
- Fast Energy Boost
A shot of coffee can provide you with a rapid energy boost ahead of your workout particularly if you feel a slump. Studies have found that coffee will take around 10 minutes to enter the blood steam and improve your mood, mental clarity and performance.
For most people, the caffeine levels in your body halves approximately every six hours. Factors like sleep, food and dehydration levels have a contributing factor.
We always recommended keeping well hydrated when drinking coffee. The rule of thumb is to drink two glasses for every additional cup of coffee.
- Disease Fighting Antioxidants
Did you know that quality coffee beans contain over 1000+ rich antioxidants? That’s more than green tea and cacao.
Coffee can get a bad rep however; many recent studies demonstrate the amazing health benefits that coffee can have on protecting your immune system and supporting your organ functions.
In particular, coffees cognitive benefits have been shown to reduce risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer.
A study demonstrated that drinking 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day is linked with a 32% lower risk of stroke and a 28% lower risk of dementia.
If that’s not a reason to drink coffee over pre-workout then we don’t know what is!

- Calorie Intake
If you’re carefully managing your calorie in-take then there is most certainly a benefit to drinking coffee vs pre-workout.
Why? Depending on the measure you use, pre-workout typically contains 300-400 calories per serving. In contrast, black coffee contains just 2 calories per serving and has additional weight loss benefits.
Even if you prefer your coffee with regular milk or oat milk then it’s lower than a pre-workout alternative. For example, if you order a flat white coffee, it’s approximately 179 calories.
There you have it. Based on your personal fitness goals, you can choose to bulk up with pre-workout or lean up by choosing to drink coffee.

- Side Effects
Most performance enhancing products have potentially small side effects based on the individual. We always recommend thinking about this before you consume any type of product.
Both Coffee and pre-workout affects people in very different ways so you’ll always need to check with your doctor.
As we’ve discussed already, coffee can heave many positive health benefits. Pre-workout too although some of the downsides to using a pre-workout like Creatine include; include water retention, bloating, weight gain, and digestive issues.

These can all lead to longer term issues so you’ll need to be mindful of this when choosing the right product for you.
- Coffee is more affordable in Price
If watching your wallet is a consideration, then coffee is certainly better value for money. Depending on the coffee you choose to buy, it’ll vary between 10-60p per cup typically. Naturally the 60p per cup price will provide you with a much better flavour than a 10p per cup coffee.
On the other hand, the average pre-workout costs between £1-£2.50 per serving meaning it’s 10-20 times more expensive than coffee.
Naturally, they are not an exact comparison product so there are other benefits to drinking a pre-workout however, in this article, we’re comparing why coffee is better than pre-workout.
On the topic of price, If you’re looking to save money on food and drink in London, you can explore restaurant deals in London.