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Figure Out Your Metabolism Type with the Lumen Device

Understanding and optimizing your metabolic health can seem like an overwhelming challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the Lumen Metabolism Tracker, you can gain invaluable insights into your body’s unique metabolic needs and make informed decisions that promote better health, increased energy, and effective weight management. This revolutionary device brings the benefits of advanced metabolic testing right to your fingertips, making it easier than ever to take control of your health journey.

The Problem: Limited Access to Metabolic Insights

Many people struggle with weight management, fluctuating energy levels, and overall health due to a lack of understanding of their metabolism. Traditional methods of measuring metabolic health are not only expensive but also time-consuming and often require professional lab visits. This lack of accessible information makes it difficult for individuals to make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle, hindering their ability to achieve their health goals.

The Solution: Lumen Metabolism Tracker

The Lumen Metabolism Tracker addresses these challenges head-on by providing real-time insights into your body’s metabolism. Using a state-of-the-art CO₂ sensor, Lumen measures the concentration of CO₂ in your breath to determine whether you’re burning carbs or fats for energy. This data is then used to create personalized nutrition plans and provide actionable insights, all from the comfort of your home.

Pro tip: Learn more about metabolic recovery.

Key Benefits of Using Lumen

lumen metabolism device

Real-Time Metabolic Insights

One of the standout features of the Lumen device is its ability to provide real-time metabolic insights. By simply breathing into the device, you can instantly see whether your body is burning carbs or fats for energy. This real-time feedback allows you to make immediate adjustments to your diet and activities, optimizing your metabolic health and ensuring you stay on track to meet your goals.

Personalized Nutrition Plans

Each Lumen device comes with a one-month free membership that includes tailored nutrition plans updated daily. These plans offer macro tracking and meal suggestions based on your metabolic readings. Knowing exactly what to eat and when to eat it can make a significant difference in achieving your health and fitness goals. The personalized nutrition plans are designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, making it easier than ever to make healthy choices.

Formation of Smarter Habits

Lumen provides insights and recommendations that help you form smarter dietary and lifestyle habits. Understanding how different foods and activities affect your metabolism allows you to make better choices that support long-term health and wellness. By following Lumen’s personalized guidance, you can develop habits that not only improve your metabolic health but also enhance your overall well-being.

Comprehensive Support and Coaching

Lumen’s membership includes metabolic coaching and support, giving you access to expert advice as you navigate your health journey. Whether you have questions about your metabolic readings, need help with your nutrition plan, or want advice on forming healthier habits, Lumen’s expert coaches are there to support you every step of the way. This comprehensive support ensures that you have all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

Seamless Integration with Health Apps

Lumen integrates seamlessly with popular health apps like Apple Health, Google Fit, and Garmin. This allows you to track and manage your progress in one place, making it easier to stay organized and motivated. By connecting Lumen with your favorite health apps, you can gain a holistic view of your health and fitness journey, helping you make more informed decisions and achieve better results.

Portable and Convenient

Lumen is lightweight, portable, and features long-lasting battery life, making it easy to take metabolic measurements anytime, anywhere. The award-winning design ensures that you can carry it in your purse or gym bag without hassle. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, Lumen provides the convenience you need to stay on top of your metabolic health.

Success Stories from Lumen Users

Lumen has garnered over 3,000 positive reviews from users who have experienced significant benefits. Here are a few success stories:

  • Maria: “Lumen has been a huge help on my journey to metabolic flexibility. It complements my continuous glucose monitor perfectly.”
  • Nicole: “I’m hitting my weight loss goals and enjoying food again thanks to Lumen. The device’s insights combined with the personalized nutrition plan have been game-changing.”
  • NK: “This device arrived one month ago, and I’ve already lost 7lbs. It’s kind of like a miracle.”

These testimonials highlight the transformative impact Lumen can have on your health journey. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, improve your energy levels, or better understand your metabolism, Lumen provides the tools and insights you need to succeed.

Special Offer: 10% Off with GYMFLUENCER10

Take control of your metabolic health today with the Lumen Metabolism Tracker. It’s now available at a new low price of $199. Plus, you can enjoy an additional 10% off by using the Lumen discount code GYMFLUENCER10. Visit the Lumen website and enter the code at checkout to take advantage of this special offer.

how the lumen device works to help your metabolism

How Lumen Works

Using Lumen is simple and straightforward. Here’s how it works:

  1. Breathe into the Device: Start by taking a deep breath and exhaling into the Lumen device. The CO₂ sensor measures the concentration of CO₂ in your breath, providing real-time insights into your metabolic state.
  2. Receive Your Reading: Based on the CO₂ concentration, Lumen determines whether you’re burning carbs or fats for energy. This information is displayed on the accompanying app, allowing you to see your metabolic state instantly.
  3. Get Personalized Recommendations: Lumen uses your metabolic readings to create a personalized nutrition plan. The app provides daily meal suggestions, macro tracking, and insights to help you optimize your diet and lifestyle.
  4. Track Your Progress: With seamless integration with popular health apps, you can track and manage your progress in one place. Lumen’s comprehensive support and coaching ensure that you have all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.


How does metabolic flexibility improve my health? Metabolic flexibility refers to how efficiently your body switches between burning carbs and fats for fuel. Being metabolically flexible can improve weight management, insulin sensitivity, energy levels, sleep, and overall health.

How does Lumen measure my metabolism? Lumen uses a CO₂ sensor to measure the concentration of CO₂ in your breath. This data is used to determine whether you’re burning carbs or fats for energy, providing real-time insights into your metabolic state.

Is Lumen’s technology validated? Yes, Lumen’s technology is validated by peer-reviewed scientific research and matches the gold standard for metabolic measurement.

Do I need the Lumen device to use the premium app features? Yes, the Lumen device is required to take metabolic measurements and receive personalized recommendations through the app.

Can I cancel my membership at any time? Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. If you cancel, you can still use the Lumen device, but you will lose access to the premium app features.

When does the membership start? The membership starts when you activate your Lumen device.

If I cancel my membership, can I still use the Lumen device? Yes, you can still use the Lumen device to take metabolic measurements, but you will lose access to the personalized recommendations and other premium app features.

Who is Lumen for? Lumen is for anyone looking to improve their metabolic health, manage weight, increase energy levels, or optimize their diet and lifestyle.

How long is the warranty? Lumen comes with a one-year warranty.

What is the return policy? Lumen offers a 30-day return policy. If you’re not satisfied with the device, you can return it within 30 days for a full refund.


The Lumen Metabolism Tracker offers a groundbreaking solution for understanding and improving metabolic health. By providing real-time insights and personalized recommendations, it empowers users to make informed decisions and achieve their health goals. Don’t miss out on this opportunity—use the discount code GYMFLUENCER10 and start your journey to better health with Lumen today. Visit the Lumen website to learn more and take advantage of the special offer.

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