CBD is still not massively understood but this wonder legal drug from the cannabis plant might be the only supplement you actually need. If amino acids, hot baths and massage guns are not helping then you need to check out the 3 benefits of using CBD to help with recovery.
What is CBD? Quite simple Cannabidiol is a Phyto cannabinoid that was discovered originally in 1940 and is one of the 113 identified cannabinoids from cannabis plants. CBD accounts for up to 40% of the overall plants extract. CBD does not get you high and yes it is legal and a proven remedy for many ailments. It helps massive with rest and relaxation and helps calms those specifically with anxiety and psychosis.
3 Benefits Of Using CBD To Help With Recovery
Studies have shown that CBD oil can massively help relieve muscle soreness and muscle damage caused by exercise due to it’s healing properties that include reducing muscle pain, bodily aches and inflammation.
Taking CBD oil before a workout has proven to positive impact your energy and also relax your muscles. Relaxing your muscles prompts your neural system to release endorphins that act as natural pain killers which means you can train harder for longer.
CBD can actually help you build muscle…ish! When wanting to build muscle mass we need to generally decrease our catabolic hormones like cortisol which often flair up due to lack of sleep or us being out of routine. CBD helps you sleep due to it’s relaxing qualities and provides us with greater levels of REM sleep which is when cortisol levels are at their lowest. The more good sleep we get the less bad hormones we develop!
When looking to buy CBD make sure you are going to a EIHA certified seller who only provide the highest quality standards and products. Try The GoodLevel CBD Store where they are currently offering 75% off everything Here.