Consider this: Steven Bartlett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey – what connects these influential figures?
One might instinctively assume their shared trait is success in their respective fields. Yet, it may surprise you to learn that every individual on this list is a university or college dropout.
It feels somewhat disingenuous to label any of these figures as ‘dropouts.’ After all, the phrase implies they lacked the nous or resilience to thrive in further education, when in fact, they’ve demonstrated more endeavour than 99% of the population while building their empires.
The hard truth is business acumen can’t be taught in a dingy lecture hall filled with half-drunk and wholly disinterested students. It’s an innate drive for success that’s born from within.
That’s not to say further education doesn’t have its merits; of course, it does.
Yet many ‘dropouts’ don’t quit because they’re homesick or incapable of keeping up with the workload; they quit because they see time as a precious resource better invested in finding a way to win.
The above list isn’t exhaustive; countless names could have been added. However, one key addition I missed is Craig Allen of Gold Standard Nutrition (GSN).
As part of our founders series, we sat down with Craig to delve deeper into the remarkable story of how he transitioned from earning £3.64 an hour at JJB to launching one of the UK’s leading healthy frozen food brands.
The Birth Of GSN

From a young age, Craig harboured a vision of establishing his own sports-related startup. Yet, as he enrolled in a Business Enterprise course at university, the exact form it would take remained uncertain.
It wasn’t until he decided to call time on his studies and work for the family business that everything began to take shape, as he explains: “I spent a year at university enjoying the social but not really seeing the study as enough with only eight hours of lectures a week.
“I decided that my time would be better spent working with the family meat trading business.
“So, I left after the first year and spent six months trading bacon and sausages, that was until we visited a restaurant where the client was eager to show me the steamed chicken he was using to save time.
“The essential idea was fantastic, however, in this particular instance the execution was poor as the chicken was both watery and riddled with unwelcomed e-numbers.
“I could see the opportunity for a superior, clean-deck version, so I asked for some samples and started searching the industry for a no-artificial-nasties alternative.
“Once I had my hands on the product, I visited some local gym owners and asked if they would use/buy this. The interest was obvious to me so I went away to build the brand Gold Standard Nutrition.”
He added: “I bought some Gold food-grade pouches, found a local vinyl sticker supplier and taught myself to vinyl bags with a ruler and a bit of hot water and fairy liquid.
“I spent three hours every evening working on the bags and then driving them to the factory to be repacked. This was the Birth of GSN. May 2012.”

Incredibly, that initial conversation about steamed chicken proved to be the catalyst for a range of high-protein frozen meals, including the distinctive and best-selling Pots of Gold, now available in more than 400 gyms and shops across the country.
Over 10 years on, it’s easy to look at where the brand is now and assume Craig’s rise to the top was smooth sailing. However, much like any enterprise, GSN’s path was teeming with potholes.
“Three years into launching GSN I had no choice but to make my entire team redundant,” he recalled.
“Many well-meaning voices (including family) were suggesting that this might be the right moment to cut my losses and try something new because perhaps my business could never be more than a fringe, lifestyle business.
“I politely ignored their advice, I took on weekend catering events to make loose ends meet and revisited my GSN vision. It wasn’t easy paying myself a minimum wage whilst reframing my business.
“That said, today we’re a profitable pioneering disruptor in a field the entire team loves and understands and the journey’s only just begun!
“Back your hunches, never make knee-jerk decisions and appreciate that competition is imperative to showcase the best you and never take your success for granted.”
But that wasn’t the only hurdle GSN had to navigate. They say mimicry is the best form of flattery. Yet, for a growing business attempting to compete with industry juggernauts, Craig described it as a constant thorn in his and others’ sides.
“What bothers me is the depressing monotony of which shameless big brands are prepared to mimic their smaller innovative peers with little regard to the sweat and tears those start-ups have endured.
“Similarly it would be great if more retailers extended their net to allow new suppliers to prove their worth rather than always stick with the ‘usual suspects’.”
Success, along with increased sales, eventually materialised. While the pandemic threw many businesses into uncertainty, it proved pivotal for GSN.
Constrained by numerous lockdowns, the country embraced home workouts and utilised their permitted daily walks as an opportunity to stay active. This movement also prompted many individuals to rediscover a passion for healthy eating.
“Like many brands, the pandemic was our epiphany because this was the very same moment many consumers started re-evaluating their food intake and digging a little deeper into the back-of-pack ingredient decks they’d historically overlooked or ignored,” Craig added.
“Today there’s a genuine appetite to make better-informed choices and prioritise tasty yet convenient food.”
Asked to pick a favourite from GSN’s range, he quipped: “Wow, that’s like being asked to name your favourite child!
“All our products appeal in different ways but, if you’re going to put me on the spot, the Salt & Pepper Chicken Bites are my current favourite.
“I have them with everything from bagels, pittas, and omelettes. For a quick chicken fix, they are just the perfect healthy option.”
Financing GSN

Remarkably, GSN’s journey has been entirely self-funded. To this day, Craig has yet to accept any external investment, a source of great pride for him.
He said: “GSN was built from the ground up, buying one freezer at a time for each new gym. I spent nearly three years setting up each account in my converted Tesco delivery van with the middle compartment filled with three chest freezers and the frozen compartment filled with 225 bags of chicken.
“The funding of the first freezers was supported by my father who is still involved and a shareholder of GSN and we have reinvested everything back into the growth of GSN.
“We come from humble beginnings and not being afraid to have a go, through the sacrifice of some social hours and having little responsibilities as a 20-year-old kid It meant I could just put my all into the project.
“We are 11 years old and we haven’t gone through any funding with 100% of the business owned between the three directors and completely debt-free as a business.”
Deciding to go it alone means GSN is Craig’s only business. He still takes an incredibly active role in the day-to-day operations, with a particular focus on driving growth.
“The highs and lows associated with keeping one fast-moving brand on an ambitious, upward trajectory are more than enough,” he said.
“My other full-time job is being a good Dad to my 2 kids and a Husband to my wife Kate. This Balance is something I focus on trying to get right.”
For many businesses, growth often involves introducing new products. When asked about GSN’s plans, Craig revealed: “That’s a well-timed question, we are currently exploring the opportunity of premium-leaning evening meal options that prioritise more premium proteins.
“We are also exploring the idea of a healthy dessert option that will be first to market for the fitness industry.”
Now that we’ve set the scene, it’s time you heard more from the man himself.
Questions With Craig Allen
Describe your perfect customer in 5 words.

Can’t cook and won’t cook.
What does a typical workday look like for you?
Every day is a different day for me, I try to give my employees some structure in the day-to-day whilst I focus mainly on the growth and improving the core of GSN.
Favourite job/role that you now have in the business?
Being able to talk to the same gym owners that we have been working with for over 10 years, it’s a great reminder that we have built a brand that has adapted to the times and retains the heartfelt loyalty of our customers.
That, and seeing an idea come to life. As a small team, we are heavily involved in every process and it’s very rewarding to see a product launch and get instant positive feedback from the GSN community. Of course, this can be nerve-racking if we take a wrong turn!
Admin and managing my inbox.
Pre-GSN what was your working life like? What job were you doing?
My first job was working for JJB for £3.64 an hour, I worked in retail for my first three jobs, at JJB, Hugo Boss and then Selfridges.
IG or TikTok?
Instagram for me, although personally, I’m not that active on it. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing but I have never been very good at sharing progress. I aim to work harder at this, showcasing the unique personality of the brand and the amazing work of my team!
If you could own any other health/fitness brand which would it be and why?
GymShark: Ben is truly inspiring in terms of how he managed both his brand and ego. We both attended the same Bodypower events and watching him loosening his grip on the business reins to let in specialists and mentors who could take the brand to the next level was inspiring. In an egotistical industry it’s refreshing to see that success hasn’t changed him.
What is the main piece of positive feedback you receive about your products?

They can’t believe how good the products taste, the great value and the depth of choice.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Never feel fazed or uncomfortable asking questions and never let anyone clip your wings by telling you what is and isn’t achievable!
Where can people currently buy GSN?
Online through the GSN website is sometimes the easiest option. However, we are stocked in a lion’s share of the UK’s leading Independent gyms and you can also now find us across the Everlast Gyms estate.
If you want to find your local stockist PLEASE just message us on Instagram.
If any of our readers are thinking about starting a health/fitness business what advice would you give them?
The country needs more innovation, it needs more health-conscious brands. Identify a gap in the market and focus on that product, don’t be distracted to think that you have to have a massive SKU range. Pick your team carefully, don’t be afraid to ask questions and most importantly, be patient.
PRIME: yay or nay?
Never tried PRIME, but you cannot deny the YouTube hype is real.
The floor is yours! Please tell our audience anything and everything you want them to know…
GSN’s mission is To be Britain’s Best Loved Healthy Meal Solution Provider.
Our products will always be – HEALTHY
Our products will always be – Tasty
Our Products will always be – Convenient.
Trust in us and we will continue to make healthy eating an easy lifestyle choice.
Great taste, convenience and good nutritional intent are not mutually exclusive goals!