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Revealed: Why You Should Not Be A PT In A Gym

Revealed: Why You Should Not Be A PT In A Gym

A controversial statement from James Smith PT claims that if you are a personal trainer then you should not be working in a gym and that all of your efforts should be put into online coaching. Watch this video on…
Stacey & Joe

Stacey & Joe Cause Chaos In The Kitchen

The new faces of HelloFresh Stacey & Joe cause chaos in the kitchen as they work together to prepare their first meals from the box of delicious fresh foods delivered straight to their door. As busy working parents they highlight…
Olima Omega Is Getting Sued

Olima Omega Is Getting Sued (LOL)

Have you heard the latest news?  Olima Omega is getting sued! Well, actually he’s just been threatened with being sued by someone who can’t quite seem to take a joke.   I'M GETTING SUED (feat @MattDoesFitness, @DirenKartal & @thewadetwins)Watch this video…
The 3 Fitness Skit Kings Who Are Taking Over Social Media

The 3 Fitness Skit Kings Who Are Taking Over Social Media

Social media is rife with fitness influencers these days. I mean, you won’t have to spend longer than 5 seconds scrolling on your Instagram Discovery feed before you come across a high-protein meal idea or workout video. Near enough anyone…
How To Make Yourself Train When You Can't Be Bothered

How To Make Yourself Train When You Can’t Be Bothered

 As anyone who trains regularly will confess, sometimes you just can’t be bothered to hit the gym. So, it’s comforting to know as a mere mortal that influencers and personal trainers like James Smith also experience the same mental blocks.…