Put down the PEDs and grab yourself some Warrior Turkesterone!
Why do we go to the gym? Some people go to lose weight. Some people go for their mental health. Lots of people go to get big, ripped, strong, hench. This is f**king hard work!
The science behind growing your muscles is extensive and not worth delving into the anatomy of the body to explain, but essentially you’re tearing and repairing your muscles. There are a lot of things you can do and a lot of things you can take to make the repair process easier and quicker. Protein, for example, ‘feeds the muscles’ and makes the repair process quicker, the same with Creatine. Massage guns can ease the ‘pain’ in your muscles and make you feel like you can train again sooner.
By the way, this isn’t a scientific article, don’t now go and ingest loads of Protein and Creatine and go hell for leather with a massage gun. Take my descriptions with a pinch of salt!
One way people grow quicker is by the use of PEDs such as steroids, a once frowned-upon practice that is now spoken about much more openly. A steroid that is very popular is Testosterone, again I’m not going to go deep into the science, but testosterone is a ‘male’ hormone and one of its uses is the growth of muscle mass. So in theory adding more testosterone will grow muscles quicker.
True. Yet can still be dangerous and is a banned substance in most sports.
Warrior Turkesterone
Introducing, Warrior TURKESTERONE. Basically, a natural ‘testosterone’ found in plants. Turk has really picked up lately with social media users advertising it has a gym ‘hack’.
Some of you may still be skeptical, but I understand, maybe you’d feel more comfortable if you knew you could buy your Turkesterone from a reputable, respectable, and reliable source.

Well, you can. Warrior Turkesterone is now available in 60 capsule tubs and you can buy them Here.
GMO-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan make this quite accessible to many! Nutritionally it’s hard to delve into as we aren’t scientists but it is derived from the Ajuga Turkestanica plant and has a potency of 500mg per cap. Warrior recommends you take 1 cap per day, and potentially up to 3 to reach your desired results. Obviously, this is down to your own decision and you should look into it and see how you feel before increasing the dosage.
It is a 100% natural Ecdysteroid and if you look into this, ecdysterone has been demonstrated to increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, which equates to faster repairing and muscle growth!
Warrior Turkesterone Price
As I’m writing this a bottle of 60 caps is on sale at £19.99 but usually sells at £29.99. What’s even better is that you can use our Warrior Discount Code GF30WAR to save 30% off all orders Here.
If I’m honest with you I’ve been looking into Turkesterone for a while and if I had to recommend one brand, it would be Warrior. A brand you know and can trust.