We are all feeling the pinch with our energy bills going up by 30-60% across the board which is having a huge impact on businesses. Gym memberships set to go up due to rising energy costs as Gym Group makes the first announcement of their price changes coming soon.

Gym Memberships Set To Go Up Due To Rising Energy Costs
Gym Group have warned their members that their membership costs will go up due to rising energy costs with many other gyms, fitness facilities and swimming pool centres rumoured to follow. Gym Group current memberships start from £15.99 per month but they have yet to reveal what the new cost will be. We are expecting it to increase by at least 20% with the new monthly cost of £19.99.
“It’s difficult to put a figure on it but it seems in light of the bills it is facing, a rise of a few pounds a month is to be expected,”
Gym Group currently has 203 UK gyms up and down the country with over 700,000 members. We hope these members continue to support as this is not a profit based decision and is one made out of necessity.
If you are looking for a new gym make sure you check out our Free Day Pass section where you can get access to the best facilities for a full day for zero cost.