Huel hot & savoury plant based protein meal review by Gymfluencers is one that you have asked for and now we can finally deliver it.
Seeing Huel Hot & Savoury plant based protein meals appearing on almost every YouTube advert, listed across Facebook and aggressively marketed on all other social media platforms it was about time we tried and tested this weird and potentially wonderful meal product. The Huel Hot & Savoury range is a dried food format that you simply mix with boiling hot water to enjoy within minutes. The idea is simple, the products sound tasty but is this really something you want to eat?
Looking into Huel and their hot & savoury range we were instantly astounded by the fact that they have already sold over 200 million meals across 100 different countries. It has a 4.6 Trustpilot rating with over 10,000 reviewers. With stats like that it has hard not to be impressed. Huel sell over £100M of products per year to over 3million active customers.
The Huel hot & savoury range comes in a variety of flavours that includes:
- Cajun Pasta
- Mac & Cheeze
- Thai Green Curry
- Mexican Chilli
- Korma
- Madras
- Sweet & Sour
- Tomato & Herb
All of the Huel meals are 100% plant-based and contain 26 vitamins and minerals. Known as a complete nutritional meal that’s convenience and affordable. Each Huel meal costs £2.67 which means each bag costs £20.34. You can receive a 10% discount if you sign up to their subscribe and save offer where you can set automated orders and delivery to suit your meal plan and diet. Each Huel hot & savoury meal delivers 24g of protein, is high in fibre and contains slow release carbs from high quality grains and pasta.

The nutritional facts for Huel hot & savoury meals are:
Carbs: 40g
Protein: 24g
Fat: 13g
Fibre: 11g
Vitamins & Minerals: 2g
When it comes to taste we thought it was best to include videos from the biggest vloggers and taste testers on YouTube as with us not being vegan it seemed unfair as we don’t have enough products to compare to this.
Where it seems like the overall response to this product is a positive one there are definitely some stand out flavours that include the Cajun pasta and Thai green curry. Once you get over the initial hurdle of dried food and it all seeming a bit weird it’s actually a delicious meal that can help you cut that weight, make your gains or just to get a whole lot of goodness into your body.
Meal replacements have typically been shakes which have had a bad rep in the health world due to you drinking your calories and primarily getting synthetic ingredients that provide carbs, protein and fats into your system. With Huel you get real food, real goodness and the fact it is all plant powered it means less of those stomach cramps and it being more accessible to eat.
Our Huel hot and savour plant based protein meal review had to include the ultimate flavour choice of ours and that’s the Thai Green Curry. Very tasty, nice after taste, perfectly spiced and smells unbelievable. The Mac & Cheeze was a bit of a let down but that’s unfair from us as we are massive mac & cheese fans in this house and we like the real stuff. Everyone needs to try each flavour as some will definitely surprise you.
Other great real food meal replacements to try are Gold Standard Nutrition pots and Performance Meals microwavable sachets. Both deliver the same easy experience as Huel but are not dried and contain real meat and sometimes dairy.
Huel are most known for their handy shakes and replacement powders and we see this as a step in the right direction. Shakes are old news, dried replacements are in! Huel is great for bodybuilers, those wanting to maintain weight and even great for those wanting to lose weight. Just vary your portion size per day to suit your needs. You can find Huel meal replacements online or in major supermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s.