With 228Million Instagram followers she is one of the worlds biggest influencers and has now taken on fitness. Khloe Kardashian shows off back muscles in epic 3 months before & after post and it’s inspired us all to work out harder!

This is not the first time Khloe Kardashian has taken the fitness world by storm after her incredible transformations broke the internet, YouTube booty workouts got millions of views and even her own KHLO-FIT series where she showed different workouts each week on her channel.
Khloe Kardashian Shows Off Back Muscles In Epic 3 Month Before & After Post
With fans and fellow celebs praising this 3 month before & after photo where it clearly shows significant fat loss and amazing muscle definition. Actress LaLa said “Okkkkkkkkkkkkkk Khlo!!!!!” and foodgod “Baby got back? Lol” it’s safe to say she has inspired many and totally impressed us all.
Looking back over the years of Khloe’s fitness journey her shape continues to change going from booty focus to shredding, to admiring her curves to now focusing on muscle definition. The US press often put Khloe Kardashians weight changes down to break ups but whatever the reason she’s kicking ass! Keep going KK!