Mark Zuckerberg, the world-famous CEO of Meta, won his first public Jiu-Jitsu match on Saturday 6th May.
The match took place in Redwood City, California, and Zuckerberg walked away with the gold medal in Nogi Master 1 White Belt FeatherWeight division, as well as the silver medal in the Gi Master 2 White Belt FeatherWeight division.
Not too shabby considering he only got into the sport during the pandemic! He’s clearly jumped right in though and really committed to his training, and he’s said in the past that he finds the sport helps to boost his energy and focus at work.
Posting about his win on Instagram, Zuckerberg wrote “Competed in my first jiu-jitsu tournament and won some medals for the Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu team” alongside a carousel of photos from the event including shots of him in action.
Unsurprisingly, the post got quite a bit of attention, with over 40,000 people leaving comments, including big names in the fighting world like UFC fighter Conor McGregor and Jiu-Jitsu world champion Bernardo Faria.
Now fans are calling for a fight between Zuckerberg and actor Tom Hardy, who’s also a big fan of the sport and who won all of his matches at the Open Championship in Milton Keynes last year. I have to admit, that’s a fight I wouldn’t mind watching myself!
Next, check out what Hafthor Bjornsonn is up to.