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MattDoesFitness Pays Students £1 For Every 1KG They Can Deadlift!!!

MattDoesFitness Pays Students £1 For Every 1KG They Can Deadlift!!!

The YouTube/fitness influencer legend that is Matt Morsia AKA MattDoesFitness pays students £1 for every 1KG they can deadlift!!! With £1000 in his pocket he let all the boys and girls in the gym step up to the platform to pull as much as they possibly can off the floor.

The rules are simple:

  1. Each lifter can have 2 attempts only.
  2. They can stop after their first lift and take the cash.
  3. They can risk it all for attempt 2. If they miss the 2nd attempt they go home with £0.

Each deadlift contestant can choose their first and second weight. Matt watches on giving tips along the way.

WIN £1 for every KG you can DEADLIFT!

Matt has done many other videos like this in that past that includes beating him at push ups to win £100 and win £5 for every calorie that you burn on an exercise bike.

WIN £5 for EVERY CALORIE you burn!

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