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Our Honest Symprove Review

We do a lot for our bodies, yet sometimes we still have things we believe are “wrong” with us…by the way I think you’re absolutely perfect xoxoxo…and recently, it seems that the finger gets pointed at our gut. The good news is that Symprove helps change all that and our Symprove review will show you how.

PS, before we continue, you should know that you can get 50% off your Symprove orders by using GYMFLUENCERS50 discount code on checkout.

Bad skin, blame the gut. Fatigued, blame the gut. Heartburn, guess what, blame the gut! This is all backed up by various studies and some steadfast science. So it’s probably about time we started taking care of our gut…how do we do this?

There are some very obvious and easy things we can do to look after our gut.

How to Improve Gut Health


Physical activity gets your colon moving, which leads to regular bowel movements.

Healthy Diet

Of course! Try and eat mostly fresh, unprocessed foods. Processed foods are more easily broken down into sugar, and sadly, sugar is bad!


Drink as much water as possible, 8 glasses a day as a minimum.

Manage Stress

Surprisingly, stress can impact your gut health, so do your best to keep your stress levels to a minimum; go for a walk, do some yoga, or relax and read a book!

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine (Sorry)

They are both digestive stimulants and can disrupt the digestive process.

So there are a few fairly straightforward things you can do to aid your gut, it’s very easy to drink another glass of water or lay down and have a chill-out, well can I add another simple task to the mix?

Drink Symprove

Symprove is a unique, water-based food supplement that contains four strains of live and active bacteria. These are delivered to the gut to support the microbiome. Symprove can drastically improve your gut health in several ways, and we’re going to dive into details in the next section.

Our Honest Symprove Review


I’m no stranger to them at all, I have always suffered from moderate acne, it’s nothing horrendous but I’ve always noticed many of my friends and family have blemish-free skin and have always been quite frustrated as to why I do not. Things like this can affect your life, when I was younger I used to be very self-conscious, and tried so many products to get rid of my bad skin; cleansers, acid, prescribed medicines, a sugar-free diet, and so on. Nothing worked. I was told later in life that it could be down to my gut, I initially thought it was a load of rubbish, how can bad skin be related to your gut? Obviously, with further research it became clear.

My mum is an absolute health nut, she knows the best product because she’s literally tried them all! She suggested Symprove and I have never looked back, it’s cleared up my skin extremely well and all it takes is a small amount each day!

The science behind it is based on the idea that it’s packed full of live bacteria and because it is a water-based solution, it doesn’t trigger digestion, this means more live and active bacteria can pass through the stomach, giving the bacteria a better chance to colonise the gut and if you’ve ever seen a yoghurt advert, bacteria is good!!

That’s the science and being a user myself, I can honestly say it works, here are some points I believe will help you in your decision to purchase and use.

Symprove Taste

So there are 3 flavours to choose from; original, mango and passionfruit, and strawberry and raspberry. Personally, I have only tried the original which I would describe as a sort of malty, grainy, earthy taste, I know that sounds odd and yes I can’t imagine it tastes better than the fruity flavours but I honestly didn’t mind it at all, I will for sure be ordering the mango and passionfruit next though.


I will always bang this drum, convenience is key, if something is difficult we don’t want to do it, it’s simple. Everyone has busy lives; work, family, downtime, exercise, friends, etc, it is very easy to forget the less important things, especially if they’re fiddly or time-consuming. Nothing is easier than taking a shot…we all know that! I leave mine next to my toothbrush so I know to take my Symprove before brushing my teeth.

Our Symprove Review Conclusion: How Much Does it Cost?


Symprove has multiple payment options, you can purchase a 4-week pack as a one-off for £79, a 12-week pack as a one-off for £149.99 or you can do my favourite thing in the world and buy Symprove as a subscription!!

A 1-month plan that you can cancel anytime will set you back £49.99 or a 12-month subscription will cost you £39.99 per month.

What a beauty!

So, yeah, you can tell I’m a fan of Symprove and it has indeed Symprove-d my life…I’m so sorry, you know I have to get one in.

Fancy a discount code? Just type GYMFLUENCERS50 for 20% off on check out when you visit the Symprove website.

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