With literally 1000s of vitamins and mineral choices we can find ourselves wasting money and not helping our health by using the wrong ones. Vitl allow you to personalise your vitamins which means you only pay for and receive the ones that your body actually needs.
vitl vitamins offers you a free consultation which takes 5 minutes and essentially allows them to learn more about you, your health goals and lifestyle. From this you then receive a personalised breakdown and order form of the vitamins you need. Looking at vitl reviews we can see many happy customers who have all saved time, money and effort which are things we all need more of in life.

Blood Tests
Vitl also offer further tests such as your DNA and blood tests to ensure that your body is healthy and to target any areas which need more help. It’s pointless to take a high dose of Vitamin C if your body already has perfect levels and it’s harmful to not take an Iron supplement if your body is weak in those areas. These further tests help your body achieve it’s perfect dosage of vitamins that it’s missing our on naturally.
At just £14.95 per month, Vitl offer you a pretty amazing service for a super low cost. To buy a mixed range of supplements such as vitamins would typically set you back £40+ per month so you are already saving considerable amounts with the Vitl subscription. The best bit about reading this article is that you can get your first box for free by using code GFFREE Here.