Can this new healthy breakfast protein cereal for adults bowl you over?
Protein Cereal
Cereal, the quick and simple breakfast that only seems to come in two selections. The sugar pumped chocolate treats, branded with some exotic animal, meant for kids but we all know we still love them. Or the high fibre, low taste adult cereals that we should be eating for our health but frankly taste and looks like cheap sawdust.
Eat Surreal
So it’s surprising that it took so long for a company to come along and make a healthy but tasty cereal for adults. Surreal has thankfully come along to fill in this gap… or bowl.
They set out to find this holy grail of breakfast cereals, healthy and tasty. But after they scoured the many aisles of the many supermarkets, corner shops, and bargain bins, they came up empty. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. It was a unicorn, beautiful to think about, but sadly fictional.
But instead of throwing in the towel, they decided to try and create this thing for themselves. To Franstein together a cereal of power flavours and healthy ingredients. It’s here, in this historic moment, that they created Surreal.
The two factors that had to be checked were obvious. Beginning with flavour, which is a simple challenge. Eat Lots of their cereal. They currently have a selection of four flavours; cocoa, cinnamon, frosted and peanut butter. Thankfully their orders are delivered in boxes of four, so testing and tasting them all is easy.
Packed in boxes of bizarre designs and jazzy colours, immediately you know that this isn’t your typical adult cereal that looks like it could be substituted as some disgusting pet food. It’s lucky they deliver, as you might feel a little childish buying adult cereal that has drawings of astronauts on it, especially next to the ‘real’ adults buying their gravelly granolas and cement-like porridge.
Shipped to your house like a dirty secret, you can lose yourself in some silliness of cereal.
Surreal Review
They all taste exactly as you’d hope. Cocoa really does taste like chocolate and leaves the milk so full of flavour you’ll be slurping it out of the bowl like a child. Cinnamon tastes just like Christmas day. Frosted tastes, well it somehow tastes sugary and very sweet. Peanut butter tastes like the perfect peanut butter, the perfect balance of sweet with a touch of savoury.

To keep it even healthier, but also playing with flavours, mixing up the kinds of milk creates a whole new batch of flavours. Almond milk with cocoa, coconut milk in peanut butter. You can still keep the fats and sugars out without having to sacrifice any of the flavours of the cereal. It’s also an easy way to keep your breakfast vegan and gluten-free.
So full marks for flavour, but is it actually healthy? This is something that we can actually scientifically prove, with the flavour you’ll have to trust and try.
Every bowl has zero sugar, using only natural sweeteners, like their not-so-secret blend of Stevia, Erythritol and IMO which sound scientific and odd but they’re all completely natural, extracted from plants and fruits such as pears and grapes surprisingly. Surreal only ever use natural flavours, keeping our diet closer to nature than the chemistry lab.
Instead of tricking you in the morning with sugar, making you feel full of energy just to have a massive sugar crash not so long after, right in the middle of your morning, Surreal uses sunflower oil that provides a natural and even energy boost as well as lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation.
Surreal Health Facts
Each bowl has no sugar but is packed with protein, with 13g of plant-based proteins in contrast to other brand cereals that only have 1.6g.

More and more people seek out a cereal with high fibre content to help with that early morning digestion, so Surreal uses two ingredients. Tapioca starch that is naturally filled with fibre & is a great ingredient to help improve your digestive system as well as the added bonus of boosting energy. There’s also the bizarre ingredient of inulin from blue agave that sounds like some mad sci-fi ingredient from another planet but its another natural ingredient rich in fibre.
So, if you’re sick of boring, tasteless breakfasts and don’t have time to be juicing half a rainforest in the mornings for a glass of weird green juice, Surreal can finally provide a new option. Delicious and nutritious, we don’t have to be jealous of the kid’s cereal now.
You can buy your own protein cereal box from Eat Surreal Here using promo code SURREALGF20 for 20% off.