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Reviewing A Full Day Of Eating On The Brand-New PRESS Meal Plan 

It seems an increasing number of people are rejecting the typical 9-5 corporate lifestyle. If TikTok is any indication (which it isn’t), office jobs are out, and ‘passive income’ is very much in – especially for those seeking an escape from the so-called Matrix.

But here’s the thing: some of us genuinely enjoy working life. 

Carving out a well-paid career, schmoozing with colleagues and clients, and feeling like you’re part of a city’s pulse during your daily commute – these are all things that people who reject office work often fail to acknowledge as positives.

There are few things I would change about my current lifestyle, but if I had to choose one, it would be how rarely I find time to get in the kitchen and cook myself a nutritious, balanced meal.

Between work and the gym, maintaining a healthy diet is sometimes lost in transit. Even when I make smart choices for lunch, it’s my wallet that takes a beating instead of my gut.

To sustain peak performance in every aspect of my life and sidestep financial upheaval, I sought a meal plan as industrious as my lifestyle. Enter PRESS.

Best known for its array of vibrant, nutrient-packed juices and protein soups, PRESS encapsulates precisely what nutrition should be for hustling city dwellers: both convenient and irresistibly tasty.

Just in time for a renewed assault on the New Year, the brand has given us takeaway merchants a huge boost by announcing its upcoming all-encompassing meal plan. 

I was lucky enough to be treated to a taste of what’s dropping on Boxing Day, receiving a sneaky sample to taste and review. And here’s what I thought…

The PRESS Difference

In case you were wondering, yes, the cold-pressed juices are still very much a part of the PRESS meal plan, along with the soups. However, they are now complemented by a range of carefully crafted plant-based meals.

My partner has been vegan for quite a few years now, and although I make an effort to reduce my meat consumption when possible, I’ve never completely given it up since I always have protein on the brain.

So, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how macro-friendly these plant-powered creations are. Along with being portion and calorie-controlled, some of the meals provide in excess of 17g of protein.

Plus, unlike other meal plans I’ve tried, PRESS has your entire day covered. I’ve always found it a bit pointless to invest in subscriptions only to head to the shops for breakfast and dinner. PRESS gets a huge thumbs-up on that front.

For those wondering what a full day of plant-based nutrition looks like, here it is:

press meal plan review

Wake Up – 7am

Daily Celery Juice.

Breakfast – 9am 

Wonder Greens Super Smoothie and a Super Berry Overnight Oats Pot.

Snack – 11am

Legume Thins. 

Lunch – 1pm

Chilli Sin Carne.

Snack – 3.30pm 

Daily Lean Greens juice and an Adaptogenic Oat Bar.

Dinner – 6.30pm

Spring Greens Risotto.

I must admit, I was seriously impressed by everything on the menu. Constantly having snacks and nutritionally dense juices at the ready slashed the amount of biscuits, cakes and other naughty treats my co-workers had brought into the office. 

PRESS has also introduced something known as ‘Mic Vac’ technology, a method that steam-cooks hot meals to preserve the integrity of the ingredients.

I was initially sceptical about whether it would make any difference, but it certainly felt like the vegetables retained their freshness and crunch, rather than the usual limp mush.

Perhaps my biggest takeaway was how good I felt after just one day on the PRESS plan. 

It’s truly incredible how consuming the right diet, with colourful fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs, can provide a fivefold boost compared to the caffeinated drinks we often use to mask our ill health.

The PRESS model allows you to effortlessly sculpt daily plans that cater to your specific preferences, dietary restrictions and wellness objectives. 

And when it drops on December 26 I for one will be at the very front of the queue. If you want to join me there you can sign up for a reminder and a cheeky early bird discount via the PRESS website

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