Inspiring entrepreneurs need to read this. Rob Bennett & Nick Hird, the founders of ViDrate have created a product that most said would be impossible!
Founded in 2018, ViDrate offers a great tasting enhanced hydration powder with added vitamins & electrolytes which is made from all-natural ingredients and zero sugar.
1. What’s one area of the business people from the outside would never understand is so time-consuming and difficult to manage?
Definitely new product development. When making a new flavour – IF we switched to artificial ingredients (which we never would!) we could do a new flavour in a few days. As we use natural ingredients and have very strict criteria to work to, an average flavour takes 6-12 months to develop and perfect!

2. What’s been your biggest hurdle so far when creating ViDrate?
Making it with natural ingredients. We were told it was physically impossible, it took over 14 months to develop the initial concept, then a further 12-18 months to improve and perfect. We certainly very quickly realised why nobody had done this before!
3. How many taste testing sessions do you have per month?
In the last 30 days, we have done at least 12 tasting/sampling sessions (some of which take 6-8 hours to complete!). We have sampled over 10 new products/flavours/concepts, we then play around with the flavourings e.g. Orange, Orange & Peach, Orange & Passionfruit etc. Then we start to whittle the list down, then we select a flavour and work further to perfect it!
4. The sachets are so handy for on the go types. Will, there ever be a pre-made drink or tub version available?
We are working hard on this, the main difficulty is finding the most sustainable option for packaging, we are currently testing stability on 4-5 new concepts. This is certainly on the agenda!
5. What are your personal favourite flavours?
Nick: Guava Boost, Night Time – Chamomile, Orange & Peach – although I seem to have a new favourite each month!
Rob: Lemon Lime & Mint, Night Time Mixed Berry, Coconut – similarly to Nick, I change flavours regularly – I enjoy most of my drinks warm also!
6. What is the number 1 selling ViDrate product?
Currently, this is almost too close to call between Guava Boost and Orange & Peach!

7. Where can our followers buy ViDrate? is the best option, we are available also on Amazon and some Holland & Barrett stores!
8. Who came up with the name?
Nick & Rob, we had over 50 x name ideas. Playing around with Vitamins and Hydration. None came close until ViDrate came up (Vitamins and Hydration!)
9. What’s one piece of advice you were given which has added to the success of ViDrate?
Go with your gut. We have so many ideas/concepts and so much feedback from our amazing community. If our gut instinct tells us it is right, so far – it has been!
10. What’s one piece of advice for any young entrepreneurs wanting to create a new health product?
Don’t take no for an answer, we have around 30 factories telling us this product can’t be made to our strict criteria and to go with artificial ingredients. Whenever we hear ‘NO’ we see it as a challenge and we work out ways to make it possible!
11. Where do you see the brand in 3 years’ time?
We see ViDrate as a global product, leading the way for other, large companies to follow suit and ditch the plastic single-use bottles and provide the ingredients needed for consumers to make drinks in reusable bottles. ViDrate will be readily available everywhere you go. You will Think water…Drink ViDrate!
12. Any new flavours in the works?
Yes! We have a revamped Tropical landing this month, a collagen product, a pre-biotic product, the return of our seasonal flavour ‘Mojito Mocktail’ and at least one more NEW flavour coming out in the next 3 months!

13. Any advice for influencers who are wishing to work with ViDrate?
We love influencers! We are always open to working with new people. Our main advice would be to make a message personal and have a basic understanding of the product/brand and message what you want and what you think you can offer in return!
The Future
It’s safe to say ViDrate is a brand that is here to stay and we can’t wait to taste the new flavours, watch the brand grow and learn more about the founders.
Make sure you follow @ViDrate on Instagram and view their Online Store.