Continually smashing your goals isn’t easy, and it certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted. It takes dedication and consistency, which means showing up to the gym even when every fibre of your being wants to stay tucked up on the couch.
But sometimes in those moments even the most motivated among us need a boost, and that’s where Rocket Ride Pre Workout comes in.
This aptly named supplement is sure to send your workout to the moon, and if you take a look at the formula you’ll understand exactly why.
One scoop includes 317mg of Caffeine, 3g of Beta-Alanine, 2g of L-Carnitine, 1g of L-Taurine, 500mg of L-Tyrosine, 300mg of Citicoline, 125mg of Guarana Seed Extract, and plenty more.
It comes in 4 delicious flavours that would even make a dry scoop tolerable: Blue Raspberry, Jelly Baby, Purple Candies and Strawberry Laces.
How Much is the Rocket Ride Pre Workout?
A 360g tub – which contains a total of 30 servings – costs just £29.99. That works out to roughly £1 per shake, putting it among the very best in terms of value.
Offering clean energy, no crash, and superior performance, it’s time to take your training to the next level with RocketRide Pre-Workout.
Visit the Rocket Ride website to grab yours today.