While many available tests claim to diagnose food hypersensitivity, Supply Life Intolerance Tests are no doubt the best.
Understanding your body’s specific requirements has never been more important in a world where health and wellness are at the forefront, and this is exactly what Supply Life does. They help you understand your body’s exact requirements.
In recent years, food intolerance testing has attracted substantial interest as consumers increasingly attempt to discover foods that may be causing them discomfort or other health difficulties. While many food intolerance tests on the market analyze body sensitivity to certain foods using hair samples, Supply Life utilizes blood testing, widely considered the gold standard for detecting food intolerances.
Unlike blood testing, hair testing lacks precision and can’t be trusted. Supply Life’s process is based on scientific study and produces more consistent and precise outcomes.
When it comes to health, everyone knows time is critical; therefore, Supply Life eliminates the need to wait weeks for test results. You’ll begin to see results within seven days.
Supply Life consists of renowned doctors and nutritionists who are specialists in their fields. They have vast experience with food intolerance testing and are dedicated to assisting you in interpreting your results and making informed dietary decisions.
The scope of their food intolerance tests is unmatched as they identify food-specific IgG antibodies to over 220 different foods. This allows you to pinpoint exactly which foods are causing your discomfort or health difficulties.
Although there are many food Intolerance tests to choose from, Supply Life is your best choice for discovering your food intolerances. Use our discount code gym25 to get a £25 discount.