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supply life food intolerance tests

Supply Life Review: The Super Easy Intolerance Test

Living a healthy lifestyle should be pretty straightforward, right? You eat well, hit the gym, and get enough sleep, and in return you get to feel pretty great. So if you do all those things and still somehow end up with digestive issues, low energy, and extra weight that you just can’t shift it can be infuriating. Well, have you ever considered that these issues that you have might be down to a food intolerance? That’s right, food intolerances can result in all sorts of symptoms from tiredness and bloating to skin and joint issues. Luckily there’s a simple, at-home test from Supply Life that you can do to find out if you have any food intolerances. Best of all, with our discount code gym25 you can save £25 off the price when you order.   

Supply Life Intolerance Test

When you order an intolerance test from Supply Life you’ll be sent everything you need to take the test in the comfort of your home. The test itself is pretty straightforward and just involves pricking your finger and collecting a few droplets of blood. You then send your sample back to Supply Life who analyse it to find out which, if any, foods you’re intolerant to.

In just a few days you’ll be sent a detailed report with all the foods that your body might struggle to tolerate. The report uses a super simple traffic light style system so you can see at a glance the foods that your body is sensitive to, with the biggest offenders shown in red and the foods you’re fine to eat shown in green.

supply life intolerance test

On top of that you can also schedule a follow-up call with one of Supply Life’s expert nutritionists who’ll walk you through your results and help you put together a plan to cut out the foods you’re intolerant to from your diet.

I really love the fact that the test itself is so quick and easy to do at home. The pin prick doesn’t hurt at all and the kit has everything you need to do it safely and hygienically. What’s really great is that the kit comes with a set of step by step instructions that walk you through what you need to do, and if you’re still a bit worried there’s even a video you can watch so you can feel completely confident that you’re doing everything right.

Another amazing thing about the Supply Life intolerance test is how comprehensive the results are. If you opt for the most popular test that Supply Life offers, which is the Essential Test, you’ll be tested for how well you can tolerate over 200 foods. 

supply life intolerance tests

So for £203.15 you can find out if you’re intolerant to things like dairy and eggs, grains including oat, bran, and wheat, fish and seafood, meats, and even herbs and spices like nutmeg, garlic, basil, and cinnamon. I mean, when I first looked at the full list I was so surprised because there are loads of foods on there that I had never even considered people might be intolerant to! So you can trust that you really are covering all your bases to work out what might be behind your health issues with these tests.

And another huge plus is Supply Life’s money back guarantee which means that if your results come back showing you don’t have any intolerances at all then they’ll refund you the full amount you paid for the test. So it’s a win win really. If the test does pick up on some intolerances then you can make changes to your diet, with the support of the Supply Life team, that will help ease your symptoms. In fact, some people notice a difference in how they feel in just a day or two of making changes to their diet. And if you don’t have any intolerances then you get your money back! Like I said, win win!

Supply Life’s simple at-home intolerance test is the ideal answer for anyone who’s been wondering if food intolerances might be behind their struggles with weight gain, bloating, tiredness, and a lot more. Just one quick pin-prick and you’ll be on your way to finding out all the information you need to take control of your health once and for all. So get ready to say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a healthier, happier you. Visit the Supply life website here now to shop. And remember to use our Supply Life discount code gym25 to get £25 off your order of any of the Supply Life tests.

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