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Luma³ Breathing Device

The Calming Effects Of The Luma³ Breathing Device

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding a moment of calm can often feel almost impossible. But what if I told you that serenity could be just a few breaths away? Enter the Luma³ Breathing Device – your new best friend for calm, quiet moments.

Priced at just £75.00, the Luma³ is a masterpiece of design, seamlessly blending into your living or working space. But it’s not just about aesthetics; the Luma³ Breathing Device comes equipped with four proven breathing exercises that bring you calm, balance, and gentle relief. These exercises have scientific backing and are designed to help you find your inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Luma³ Breathing Device

One of the standout exercises that the device coaches you through is the “SQUARE” breathing pattern – inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds. Used by NAVY Seals to stay calm in high-pressure situations, it can also help you perform your best during stressful moments.

All four breathing exercises have been designed to help you feel calm and rebalanced. And the Luma³ Breathing Device also offers various modes to enhance your well-being. “Hourglass” reminds you to take a breath break, “Ambient” sets the mood with calming colors, “Light Sand” responds to your movements with soothing light, and “Sleep Ritual” helps you drift into a deep, natural sleep.

Luma³ Breathing Device

Whatever stress you’re dealing with in your life, the soothing light of the Luma³ can help bring a real sense of calm whenever you need it. Visit the website here now to shop.

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