Vitamins can be incredibly daunting when you are new to them. There are hundreds of options for vitamins and supplements on the market and finding the right balance, or working out what your body needs can feel impossible. When I first started following a vegan diet I ignored vitamins for the first few months – huge mistake but I just couldn’t get my head around what to buy, when to take them, and even what I needed to take.
Personalised Vitamin Consultation
Vitl is a gamechanger. They offer personalised nutrition and tailor-made supplements to ensure that both your body and your mind are getting everything they need to keep you healthy and happy. I was so impressed by how thorough, and yet how easy, ordering personalised vitamins were from them, and after just one week I am noticing a difference in my mood and energy.

So how does Vitl work?
Firstly, you complete the free consultation on their website, which takes no more than 5 minutes but tells them everything they need to know. They questions are thorough, asking about dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances, pregnancy and breastfeeding, daily habits such as diet, smoking, drinking and exercise, and sleeping patterns. Vitl will also offer options for “health goals”, where you consider what you would like to improve the most. This includes sleep, energy, stress and anxiety, digestion and immunity – honestly I could have chosen all of these but kept things simple by selecting energy and stress/anxiety. You can also choose to focus on your skin, hair, brain or a detox. And all of this in just 5 minutes! Vitl will then culminate your answers to produce bespoke vitamins which are tailored directly to your needs and goals.

What are the vitamins like?
Vitl use the most bioavailable and sustainably harvested ingredients in their vitamins, which are 100% free from synthetic fillers, sugar, gluten, artificial colours or preservatives. They can even be made vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian. I especially liked the fact that you can read what each vitamin does to benefit your body on their website.
How accurate are Vitl?
Vitl have a medical advisory board to ensure their recommendations and formulations are scientifically accurate. They reflect the latest scientific standards and highest GMP manufacturing standards, and are also partnered with reputable lab partners, so they are completely trustworthy.
Their scientific expertise is also utilised as they offer further insights into your health through DNA Nutrition or Vitamin Blood Tests, which you can use to test nutrient deficiency and your body’s genetic response to vitamins and exercise.
How much does it cost?
The consultation is free, and then your box of vitamins is £24.99 which will last you a month. They will then be sent to you on a monthly subscription, so you will never run out! Students can get 20% off with Student Beans. You can also claim your first 2 weeks of personalised vitamins for completely free using code GFFREE Here.
Overall verdict?
The consultation was quick, easy yet detailed and I really felt the ‘personalised’ experience. I liked that the multiple-choice answers were simple and didn’t take too much thought (I can definitely be an over-thinker sometimes!). I was offered four unique pills, or I could opt for one single daily vitamin, depending on my preference. I went for the single daily vitamin, which is a nice size and easy to swallow. After just one week I’ve noticed a real difference in my mood and my energy. I do have to set a reminder otherwise I’m useless at remembering to take them, but I have managed to not miss one single day and feel so much better for it. My skin is also looking brighter and I find I’m sleeping much better too. It’s amazing what a difference one little vitamin can make.