Is HelloFresh the ultimate food delivery service? We think so and here’s why!
The Ultimate Food Delivery Service
Every day there are more people abandoning the supermarkets and instead, turning to meal kits delivered straight to their doors by companies like HelloFresh. This isn’t just the lazy option of cooking, though it does save time, there is now an abundance of reasons to make the transition.

As mentioned, meal kits like HelloFresh can save a wealth of time. Each meal comes as prepared as possible, reducing the amount of time you need to spend cooking down to the shortest possible. You’ll save time going to the supermarkets, endlessly strolling up and down the same aisles looking for that hidden ingredients. No more scrolling through endless paragraphs of food blogs searching for the instructions. Hours spent finding a recipe, hunting down all the ingredients, toiling away over the chopping board and hobs, to finally have a meal that takes 5 minutes to eat. HelloFresh will save you all that time. You pick the meals you want from their site they’ll deliver all your meals to your front door.
HelloFresh Recipes
HelloFresh currently has a database with over 10,000 recipes globally, so they are constantly updating recipes, adding new ones, and altering their menus based on customers’ feedback. Just as restaurants will constantly change and evolve their menus but will keep the classics that customers keep coming back for, HelloFresh does just the same.
The meals will arrive with everything you need for the meal, except the kitchen and chef. But you’ll receive all the ingredients you’ll need for every dish; no looking in the back of the cupboard or a last-minute dash to the shop in the middle of cooking. Simply pop open your package and start cooking.
Not only do these meal kits provide you with everything you need for your meals, but they are prepped and portioned. Portioning meals can be very difficult, especially for just one or two people, as food packages are designed for families. The main sources of food waste are throwing good food away after cooking too much or food spoiling sitting unused in the fridge. HelloFresh ensures that you use everything that you buy in order for you to not have to waste food and waste money.
There are two ways you can select your meals. For those that are just looking for delicious food, then you can select any of the meals that you fancy. But for those with more specifications, the meals are categorised to make the selection process simple. There are family-friendly meal kids that will send you meals that the whole family will devour. Meal kits for weight loss for those that are trying to cut down but still eat well. There are options for vegetarians that aren’t just boiled vegetables; though there isn’t an option for vegans yet. And for people that just want to try some new cuisines but are lacking the imagination or courage to try, there are options to try dishes from a wide variety of different places and cultures.
Limited Waste
For those that worry about the amount of packaging involved with these deliveries, HelloFresh is determined to cut down at every possible opportunity. The company’s attitude to reduction is ‘avoid, reduce and innovate’ but they want to make sure that food safety is also a priority.
The ingredients of HelloFresh are an obvious priority, a priority that they are constantly trying to improve. Working with food manufacturers, ensuring the entire process from farm to table meets their standards. Their packaging team is constantly developing their packaging as they know the importance of fresh ingredients like meat and dairy to arrive as fresh as possible.
These HelloFresh meals kits can be used by those that hate cooking and want to process quick and easy. Can be used for those that love food and want to try cooking exciting new dishes. Even by those with a strict diet but still want a tasty meal. No matter your diet, there’s a meal kit that suits you.
The Ultimate Food Delivery Service Discount
You can try HelloFresh using code HELLOGF50 to save 50% on your first order Here.