The grudge match finally happened as Thor defeats Eddie Hall in worlds strongest boxing match after going the distance and winning on a majority points decision.

The fight started out exactly as we expected with Eddie coming out, loading up on big over hand right shots and connecting. The issue was after 30 seconds this stopped. With some strange stance changes, lack of head movement and any show of any real skill from Hall.
Thor remained composed even after being dropped multiple times and out boxes his long term rival to victory. Eddie took the most damage with cuts over both eyes and visible bruising after the fight. Eddie reacted instantly to the loss with “That’s boxing. I fought the worlds biggest guy and I’d like to see any one else have the bulls to do that”.
With 18 months of practice all coming down to just 6 rounds the two inexperienced fighters put on a good show. We hope to see a rematch where we feel if Eddie works on his stance and combos it could go very differently.