Caffeine fiends listen up! We’ve got an amazing offer for you to save money on your coffee with our exclusive Cafepod discount code.
Simply use the code GF20 for 20% off whatever’s in your basket on the Cafepod website, whether it’s pods, ground coffee, or whole coffee beans to grind up at home.
Cafepod have got a great range of Nespresso pods to suit every taste from Supercharger Espresso to a more mellow and smooth Brunch Blend. They’ve also got a great mix of flavoured coffee pods like Oh My Gingerbread, Choc ‘n’ Roll, and Call Me Caramel so you can have that delicious caffeine at home.

If you don’t have a Nespresso machine you can still get some amazing coffee from Cafepod with their bags of ground coffee and coffee beans.
Choose from the Decaf Espresso, Brunch Blend, Daily Grind, and Supercharger Espresso, or go for a variety pack to try them all out.
However you get your coffee fix, make sure you use the Gymfluencers’ exclusive discount code GF20 to save 20% on your order on the Cafepod website.