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Virgin Pure Home Water Systems Make Hydration Easy

Virgin Pure Home Water Systems Make Hydration Easy

Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it also helps to regulate body temperature, flush out toxins, support healthy digestion, and promote healthy skin. Not only that, drinking enough water can also improve your energy levels, cognitive function, and even help with weight management.

So why does it feel so hard sometimes to actually drink enough water?!

I mean, we all know how important it is don’t we, but there are days when we’re so busy we simply forget to top up our water bottles and sometimes a can of coke is just so much more appealing than a glass of water.

There is an answer though; something that makes staying hydrated easy by giving you pure, great-tasting water at home at the press of a button.

Enter the Virgin Pure Home Water System

The Virgin Pure Home water system is a gorgeous little water dispenser that sits on your kitchen worktop, always ready and waiting to give you an endless, instant supply of water. The system can be installed by one of Virgin’s expert engineers in as little as 40 minutes, as they connect it to your mains water supply without interfering with the rest of your plumbing.

Once the system is installed you can use it for ambient temperature water, chilled water, and even hot water, any time you want it. And it tastes so good I promise you’ll be wanting to drink this water all the time.

What’s so Great About Virgin Pure Water? 

Well, it’s mainly down to the fact that the system uses a multi-stage filtration process to make the water as clean and pure as possible. In fact, the system removes impurities that other filters can’t, including bacteria, pesticides, and microplastics.

The water is even exposed to light from a special UV lamp as part of the filtration process which means that bacteria and parasites can’t develop as the water sits in the tank. So you know the water you drink from the Virgin Pure Home water system is the safest and cleanest it could possibly be.

And with the lovely little dispenser sitting in your kitchen you’ll naturally find yourself drinking more throughout the day. It makes it so easy to fill up your water bottle with perfectly chilled water before heading out for a walk or a run and to grab a glass of water first thing in the morning as you’re making breakfast.

The Virgin Pure Home Water System Perks

There’ll be no waiting for the kettle to boil in the mornings either with the Home Pure system, thanks to the hot water option that gives you hot water up to 99°C instantly. So you can start your day with hot water and lemon (if you’re feeling virtuous) or a mug of delicious hot coffee (which does still count towards your daily water intake).

You can also use the dispenser to fill up your pots and pans for cooking, so again there’s no waiting for the kettle to boil. Which turns out to be a pretty good thing for your energy bill and for the planet, with the Home Pure system being 36% more energy efficient than a kettle. In fact, the system uses just 0.67 KWh per day, which works out at a tiny 4p.

And if you normally drink bottled water you could save money with a Virgin Home Pure system too. A family of 4 who drink 2 litres of water daily (which is the recommended amount we all knock back every day) from bottled water could, on average, save £2000 in the first 3 years if they switch to a Virgin Pure system.

So not only can the system help you drink more water it can also save you money in the long run. And while it is a bit of an investment initially there are payment plan options available and a Smart Service option which gives you everything you need to get started with the system and to maintain it in the future.


All in all, the Virgin Pure Home Water System is a great tool for improving your hydration habits. It provides an unlimited supply of purified, great-tasting water, which makes it easier to drink water regularly throughout the day, and the system has brilliant temperature settings that allow you to enjoy hot or cold water on demand. 

By having fresh, pure water readily available at home, you’ll find yourself drinking more water and staying better hydrated, which has amazing knock-on benefits for your overall health and wellbeing.

Visit the Virgin Pure website now to gain access to clean water.

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