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Vitl DNA Kits Help You Find The Supplements You Need

Without wanting to state the obvious, not all of us are the same. So why do we accept anything other than personalised vitamin bundles? Me personally, I prefer Vitl DNA kits because they offer a personalised approach I haven’t seen elsewhere.

The one-size-fits-all approach to your well-being stops now, and Vitl is here to make sure of it. 

Vitl wants to get scientific about your health by taking a deep dive into your unique genetic traits and the key nutrient levels in your blood, all from the comfort of your home.

Understand your body in more detail, get high-quality vitamins customised to you, and take action with personalised nutrition advice.

How Do Vitl DNA Kits work?

Depending on which of the three options you choose, you’ll receive a bundle containing a DNA Nutrition Test, a Vitamin Blood Test, Personalised Vitamins and a free 15-minute consultation. 

The tests will give you 40+ in-depth reports across diet, fitness, beauty, sleep, health, and more, exploring the impact your unique genetics have on your well-being. 

Vitl will also provide an accurate and reliable look at your vitamin and cholesterol levels. By taking the two tests at home and sending off the results the experts at Vitl will analyse the data and prepare a package that’s perfect for you. 

From that, you’ll then receive an email containing a personalised vitamin voucher code. Simply start your prescription whenever you’re ready.

Visit the Vitl website to start your Vitl journey – you won’t regret it!

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