In a world of vitamins we often find ourselves with cupboards full of different bottles and perhaps for no reason other than thinking they are good for us. VITL provides a service that personalises a vitamin that packs everything you need into just one pill to be taken once per day. Free vitamins are hard to come by but for once this is a genuine offer and one you have to try.

Vilt decided to go down a bespoke route that creates you the perfect supplement in vitamin form. Vitamins are not just Vitamin C or D but ones that can actually help with stress, anxiety and all round mental health.
Balancing vitamins into one pill is proven scientifically to be just as affective as taking one vitamin per supplement that you need. It is also cost effective and so much easier than having to swallow multiple pills each and every morning. Just take one and move on with your day!
Personalised Vitamins
Take the Vitl 5 minute consultation and provide their machine with all of the relevant info such as how you feel, when you get tired, if you sleep well or how you handle stress. There is no feedback on any of these so be honest. The aim is to simply find out what your body lacks and what extra vitamins you could do with.
Once ordered just 2 days later you will receive your personalised bottle which has your name on it, ingredients and which vitamins are packed into this easy to take once daily single pill. It’s awesome!

Free Vitamins
Gymfluencers have teamed up with Vitl to provide everyone with their first bottle for free. Typically £14.95 you now get it for exactly £0. You just have to pay for the postage.
Once you have received and tested this product you can then choose to sign up to their monthly subscription which automatically charges you and sends the product without you ever needing to do a single thing.
Claim your free vitamins using code GFFREE Here.
As someone who obviously took advantage of the free vitamin offer I was surprised at how quickly they arrived, smiled when I saw my name on the bottle and found the product to be of very high quality with a glass bottle, amazing packaging and all of my information on the back such as ingredients and the vitamins and supplements they have provided.
Taking the online consultation was just multiple choice and took under 3 minutes. Super simple and it even helped put my mind into perspective where it highlights and makes you think about any issues you have…I must become less stressed!
100% a must buy. It’s free after all and amazing for your mind and body.
On a side note in a world of costs going up it’s time we make sure that free vitamins for low-income families is a possibility and this certainly ticks that box.