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Virgin Pure Home Water System

Why We Love The Virgin Pure Water System

I don’t think you need me to tell you the importance of staying hydrated, especially if you lead an active lifestyle. 

Water, H2O, aqua, whatever you want to call it, is our lifeblood. In fact, the human body is made up of approximately 60% water, and every cell, tissue, and organ requires water to function properly. 

It plays a vital role in many key functions, including regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, lubricating joints, and flushing out waste and toxins.

So, with water playing such a vital role in keeping us ticking along, it got me thinking, how pure is the water I’m drinking from my tap at home?

The answer made for quite uncomfortable reading. The water we unwittingly guzzle every day is loaded with many types of suspended pollutants, chemicals, toxins and other contaminants.

I tried certain water filtration jugs but found them slow and annoying to use, especially when I had to frequently change the filters. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I decided to seek a more permanent solution. In this article, I’ll be talking about why I made the switch to the Virgin Pure Water System, and why I think you should too. 

The Virgin Pure Water System 

virgin pure water system

You might be wondering what I meant when I called it a permanent solution. The Virgin Pure Water System is a countertop set-up that connects directly to your tap, so there’s no need to decant the water into a jug and wait for it to drip through. 

Prepare your brains, because this is where it starts to get a bit technical. The system uses a combination of advanced filtration technologies, including reverse osmosis and UV light, to purify your water. 

The device’s reverse osmosis membrane removes impurities such as chlorine, lead, and fluoride, while the UV light kills bacteria and viruses, ensuring your water is safe to drink.

In fact, its six-stage filtration process removes up to 99.9% of impurities from tap water. For me, that was by far the biggest benefit. 

The peace of mind coupled with the fresh taste of ice-cool tap water is the ultimate thirst quencher, and although it may sound disingenuous, you can genuinely taste the difference.   

Plus, it also ensures you’re getting key minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which help maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as regulate blood pressure and nerve function. 

Virgin Pure How to change your water filter and descale your Home Water System (T7)

There’s also a hidden plus which isn’t often talked about. Instead of buying bottles of water that will end up festering in my car, and eventually in a landfill, before I hit the gym I now fill up a thermal bottle with water from my Virgin Pure Water System.

That way I’m cutting my plastic waste a considerable amount and still getting the quality of water I desire. 

If you’re someone who runs off coffee or tea, then the Virgin Pure Water System is the perfect time-saving hack. Instead of waiting for the kettle to boil, you’ll have instant access to hot water.

It may seem like a small inconvenience, but trust me, once you’ve experienced the ease of making a coffee at the press of a button you’ll never want to go back.

How Much Does the Virgin Pure Water System Cost?

virgin pure water system

In terms of the cost, you can pay 12 monthly instalments of £44.99 or one upfront payment of £539.99. However, if you make use of the current welcome offer you can get the full system, with a free instalment, for just £299.99, or 12 instalments of £24.99. 

It may seem like a lot, but I thought of it as an investment. An investment in my health, and one that would save me money on bottled water in the long term. 

If you want to learn more about the Virgin Pure Water System then head to the website today. 

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