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Everything You Need To Know About MattDoesFitness

The world of influencers can be a funny old place. There are some content creators who strike gold and rise to internet stardom that probably don’t deserve it, and there are others who absolutely do.  Matt Morsia – or MattDoesFitness, as you more likely know him – definitely fits into the latter category.

A real fairytale story, the bubbly giant has put blood, sweat and tears into becoming the UK’s most successful fitness YouTuber. No really, he has. 

A real passion project, Morsia has been known to spend 18 hours shooting footage to create the best videos possible for his 2.19m-strong army of subscribers. 

He’s always finding ways to push his body to the max, whether that means taking on insane Navy Seals fitness tests or chomping his way through a gut-busting 25,000 calories in 24 hours. 

Aside from his channel, Morsia is also a highly successful online trainer and is changing the lives and physiques of thousands of people through his app. 

The titan has an incredible physique that would make Greek gods themselves reach for a robe to cover up in shame, so it’s no surprise that a further 1m people follow his life and progress on Instagram. 

In this post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about MattDoesFitness, hopefully answering all your questions on the popular figure along the way. Let’s get cracking…

Matt Morsia’s Journey 


Morsia’s story is a perfect example of why dedication and perseverance are such vital components in achieving success – and it’s one that will make you warm to him even more. Like most successful fitness influencers Morsia has a strong athletic background. In 2011 he was ranked among the top three triple jumpers in the country and represented England internationally. 

With his sights firmly set on a spot at the London Olympics, Morsia, who grew up in Folkestone, suffered a major setback when he sustained a stress fracture in his back during training. The injury ruled him out of action for 6 months, and when he finally returned to the gym – and with Brazil 2016 a distant 4 years away – he discovered his love for lifting weights. 

At his wife’s recommendation, Morsia started uploading his workouts to YouTube in 2012 but admitted it was a long while before he saw the fruits of his labours. 

“Within a few videos I got hooked,” he told Kent Online.

“But I reckon I did it for 3 years with no income – 4 or 5 videos a week, each one after a day at work.”

A frustrated PE teacher at the time, ultra-competitive Morsia started powerlifting, winning a silver medal in the European Championships in 2016. 

Bodybuilder tries Arnold Schwarzenegger’s DIET & WORKOUT for 24 hours... *5,000 CALORIES*

While in training he consumed a mind-boggling 6,000 calories a day to maintain a bodyweight of 16st 5lb – and was able to bench press 180kg, deadlift 320kg and squat 265kg.

It wasn’t long before his talent for consuming food became the inspiration for a few eating challenges which started to gain him major traction on YouTube. The money he was earning from his videos, coupled with a bit on the side from writing training programmes for followers, soon allowed him to step down his days teaching. 

“That started to generate actual revenue,” he continued. “Within a few months, it was level with the school salary.

“I knew it was a bit risky but I decided to start dropping my teaching hours.”

Although it seemed a risky move at the time, the man-mountain said it was the ‘best decision he ever made’.

“My content was a million times better, being able to travel and have time away,” he added. 

Thousands of videos later and the rest, as they say, is history. 

How Old Is MattDoesFitness?

A relative veteran of the fitness and YouTube game, Morsia is 37 years old. 

How Tall Is MattDoesFitness?

Standing at 6ft 1in tall, Morsia has an incredible frame for his height. He’s now sitting at around 14st 8lbs, so it’s no wonder he has to eat so many calories to maintain his physique.

MattDoesFitness Net Worth 

Given his online popularity and work ethic it’s no surprise that MattDoesFitness has his fingers in plenty of pies. Aside from his channel and training plans, the Englishman has also launched his own energy drinkMorsia Energy

The 330ml cans – which contain 200mg of caffeine, 2,000mg of beta-alanine and absolutely no sugar – are available online through Amazon and in WHSmith. Oh, and did I mention he’s sponsored by Gymshark and MyProtein, too? 

Reliable information on how much he is actually worth is scarce. However, a report from Yahoo! Finance in 2021 claimed he rakes in $3.9m a year from YouTube alone. 

Is MattDoesFitness Natty Or Not?

The Internet called me a FAKE NATTY so I got randomly drug tested for 4 months

With a body like his people were always going to ask questions. There are few athletes that can maintain a shredded yet bulky physique, let alone those who are over 6ft. But Morsia got so frustrated with people calling him a fake natty that he put himself through months of random drug testing to prove he was clean – and always has been.

By enlisting the help of the World Anti-Doping Agency, the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation and The Men’s Health Clinic, he spent almost a year orchestrating the most stringent testing protocols. 

Through taking blood and urine samples with 24 hours’ notice, Morsia has been frequently checked for every banned substance on the planet and has passed with flying colours. How’s that for proving your point?

MattDoesFitness Wife


As those of you who follow his socials will know, MattDoesFitness is a real family man. He married his wife Sarah in 2012, who later quit her job to start helping him with his channel when things started to take off. Sarah is also in incredible shape – especially considering they have 2 children – and regularly shares posts in the gym with Matt. 

So, if you’re looking for a wholesome, inspiring and dedicated influencer to follow then look no further than MattDoesFitness. You’ll also love the pranks including fake weight plates!

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