RawNice was founded back in 2015 by partners in crime Helene Arvidsson and Jesper Noren who set out to help make health exciting by creating vibrant coloured foods and supplements that take your plate to the next level. Offering products such as Pink Pitaya powder and Blue Spirulina power it’s certainly not your average brand and they are damn proud of that!

Seeing rainbow coloured food bowls and meals spread across their Instagram account it was shocking to see their next product launch: Black Cacao Powder! Blacker than black…and not exactly what we are used to meant that we had to check it out.
Raw Nice Black Cacao is simply a less bitter natural cacao that is made from highly alkalized beans. A fun fact is that this ingredient is what makes Oreo Cookies so black as it’s one of their lead ingredients.
Unlike most other Raw Nice products this one is more for show and less for nutritional benefits. It should be used to create stunning dishes, introduce your children to baking and to enjoy thanks to it’s unique taste.
Want to try some for yourself? Use code GF15 at checkout to get 15% Off! View our full list of discount codes Here.
Next, you can check out this post: Mountain Joe’s Chocolate Honeycomb Protein Bars Are Here!