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Top 5 Carbs You Need For Bodybuilding & Muscle Growth

Top 5 Carbs You Need For Bodybuilding & Muscle Growth

If you are looking to build the body of your dreams and don’t seem to be getting anywhere it may be due to you not consuming enough carbs (carbohydrates) which are essential as they are essentially what your body consumes for energy rather than breaking down your muscle tissue for it. Carbs when consumed post workout can also help prevent muscle loss and even helps repair your muscles.

When it comes to how many carbs you need this will depend on many factors such as your height, weight, goals and workout plan. A rough guide is roughly 45-65% of your daily macros should be carbohydrates.

You can find carbs in many supplements which are great for topping up your macros and making sure you get everything you need into your diet without having to face another meal. Supplements are also quick, easy and cost effective. When looking for foods that contains the best and cleanest carbs it will generally come in the form of whole wheat, vegetables and oats.

Consuming carbs has become more complex than ever so always make sure that you do your research, ask your coach or speak to your nutritionist. You need to know at what times your body works best when consuming carbs, making sure the carbs are healthy and also making sure the carbs fit into your bodybuilding diet and workout plans.

Top 5 Carbs You Need For Bodybuilding & Muscle Growth

Top 5 Carbs You Need For Bodybuilding & Muscle Growth

  1. Not only are they delicious, versatile and nutritious on many levels, Sweet potatoes pack a massive 20g of carbs per 100g serving.
  2. Oats and oatmeal are the perfect breakfast or post workout meal as you get 12g of carbs per 100g portion. You can even mix protein powder in with your oats to hit all of your macros at once!
  3. Mixed nuts contain 21g of carbs per 100g portion but be careful as nuts also contains a lot of fat per serving. Stick to the plainest variety as possible.
  4. Pasta! Everyone’s favourite carbs in wholewheat form provide you with 37g of carbs per 100g serving and are also high in fibre and low in fat.
  5. Quinoa is no longer just for the fancy! Bodybuilders love Quinoa thanks to it’s versatile nature and it being packed with 39g of carbs per cup sized portion.
Understanding Carbohydrate Sources & Timing With Kris Gethin

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