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A Look Inside The Gymshark Factory

In a recent YouTube video on his channel, Gymshark founder Ben Francis takes viewers on a remarkable journey to the Gymshark factories in Vietnam and Bangladesh. The lengthy video started with Ben leaving for the airport for his insightful trip, beginning with Vietnam.

Upon landing in Vietnam, Ben strolled through the vibrant city, immersing himself in the local culture before embarking on a two-hour road trip to reach the expansive Gymshark factory. On getting to the factory, he was impressed by how big the factory was. This factory primarily focuses on sewing and branding Gymshark’s high-quality products.

I travelled 12,840 Miles to visit our Gymshark factories.

After spending considerable time at the first factory, Ben continued his adventure with a second two-hour road trip within Vietnam. The second factory offers a contrasting experience, as it creates the premium materials used in crafting Gymshark products.

But the exploration didn’t end there. Ben went on yet another hour-and-a-half drive to the third factory, still in Vietnam. This factory serves as the final step in the production chain, where the Gymshark hoodies, sweatshirts, and gym wear are assembled, reflecting the brand’s dedication to providing top-notch apparel.

The following day, Ben’s journey continued as he travelled to Bangladesh to visit the Gymshark factory. Upon arriving, he embraced the opportunity to visit a special needs school catering to autistic children and those with disabilities. This heartwarming detour highlights Gymshark’s commitment to giving back to local communities, a core value Ben and his partners cherish.

Despite the demanding nature of the trip to the Gymshark factories, Ben affirms that the experience was well worth the effort. Witnessing firsthand the manufacturing process and the passion infused into every Gymshark product left him with overwhelming satisfaction. You can check out related content on his YouTube channel.

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