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Gymfluencers HOT Vlog Channels: Introducing Louis Armstrong

Hold on to your dumbbells ladies and gentlemen because the ‘Gymfluencers HOT Vlog’ series is back.

That’s right, today we’re continuing our mission to connect you with the brightest prospects in the health and fitness game that you may have yet to discover. 

We kicked off our creator voyage by introducing you to English vlogger Mia Green, whose channel is a haven for good vibes and body positivity. 

Next up on our list of up-and-comers is fellow Brit Louis Armstrong. Although you might not be familiar with the name, you’ll have almost definitely seen his face on your FYP. 


That’s because the chiselled athlete rubs shoulders with some of the biggest stars in the influencer realm, including Mike Thurston, MattDoesFitness, and everyone’s favourite Irishman, Rob Lipsett. 

Much like Rob, Louis spends most of his time in sunny Spain and lives in the gorgeous White Isle and renowned party destination, Ibiza. 

Given that Louis resides in one of the most glamorous spots on the planet, it’s no surprise that he’s big on style. In fact, a lot of his vlogs cover men’s fashion and grooming tips. 

Louis Armstrong

But for those of you who’re more fitness-orientated, don’t worry, he still posts plenty of content that helps his subscribers stay in shape. 

In fact, Louis is a keen runner and often talks about his journey from being a complete novice to competing in marathons. So, if you’ve been wanting to lace up your running shoes then his channel is rife with helpful tips. 

Louis currently boasts 87,700 followers on Instagram and 54,500 subscribers on YouTube and is sponsored by GHOST, Legend London Jeans, and Gymshark, to name a few. 

Why not hit up his channel and help him smash the 100,000 mark on both platforms? 

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