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Mia Green

Gymfluencers HOT Vlog Channels: Introducing Mia Green 

At Gymfluencers we’re always on the hunt for emerging creators who’re making serious waves in the health and fitness game.  So, that got us thinking. Why don’t we start showing our favourite up-and-coming influencers some love by helping them connect…
ben fracis vlog

GYMSHARK Founder Ben Francis Launches New Weekly VLOG 

Ben Francis, founder of massively popular gym wear brand Gymshark, has recently launched a new weekly vlog that he’ll share with his 256K YouTube subscribers. The first video in the series is a 20-minute look behind the scenes of a…
Mark zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg Wins First Public Jiu-Jitsu Match 

Mark Zuckerberg, the world-famous CEO of Meta, won his first public Jiu-Jitsu match on Saturday 6th May.  The match took place in Redwood City, California, and Zuckerberg walked away with the gold medal in Nogi Master 1 White Belt FeatherWeight…
ksi vs joe fournier elbow

KSI Brutally KOs Joe Fournier With Controversial Elbow 

A camera angle can change everything.  Fans in the OVO Wembley Arena were left stunned after KSI brutally knocked out professional boxer Joe Fournier on Saturday night. The 40-year-old lay flat on the canvas following what, at first glance, appeared…
jay swingler

Jay Swingler Retires From YouTuber Boxing 

Jay Swingler has officially announced his retirement from YouTube boxing, leaving behind a legacy of epic brawls.  The YouTuber said while he’ll be “forever grateful” to the influencer boxing scene, it’s time for him to return to posting videos and…

MattDoesFitness Gym Cost £60,050 To Build 

If you’ve been following Matt Morsia, AKA MattDoesFitness, for a while you’ll know that he’s currently in the process of building a new home, and while the house itself isn’t finished, his epic home gym is, and on his YouTube…